Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hello 40!

Hey there! In January I celebrated my 40th birthday with great joy to say the least.  I had ultimately thought over the years leading up to this that I would hate it's arrival.  It would be like an irritating relative who comes to visit and never goes home or a small snowball bearing down a mountain with no way to prevent it's momentum.  Part of it is shock.  I thought to myself, I don't feel 40...but then again what is 40 supposed to feel like?  While pondering I'd thought I would share with you.  The major milestones in our lives whether turning a special age, facing a new year, thinking about retirement, or maybe just starting something new can be taxing.  We'll have some "Walking Hellos" in the near future that will give a glimpse into birth, beginning new realtionships, and retirement.  How did the people being interviewed face their changes?  Guess you'll just have to keep checking in with us!  Have a wonderful day! 

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