Thursday, March 12, 2015

Hello #3...She'll manage.

When Moses was called to lead by the peculiar Voice in the burning bush he had no idea of the events to come.  At first he could only see how unqualified he was.  His speech wasn’t the best.   He took matters into his own hands that lead to his flight from Egypt.  He also tried to forget the bondage of his people while in the dessert.   The call to lead still found him.  Management is not an easy task.  To manage is more than the act of supervising.   Another great definition of manage I found: it is the act or process of deciding how to use something.  Our decisions in approaching the hand we are dealt determines where we go.


Delicia did not know that five years into marriage and two beautiful children later she would find herself handling much more than she could ever bargain for.  Her husband died tragically, suddenly, and life became profoundly changed.   She could have sat down on the matter…stopped.  Moving forward even now it is still one foot in front of the other.  She recalls for a time after her husband took his life not necessarily wanting to be bothered with people.  She found it hard to keep going because of the need to be selfish (in a good way) to take care of herself, so she could take care of others.  Having experienced what she did, she has more compassion for others and is more empathetic.


When asked what hello means to her she says, “Hello is an invitation.  It is a different way of shaking someone else’s hand.   It could be shallow or genuine.  It is just a matter of where people hear it.  It is a common courtesy or an invitation to start a conversation.”   When asked about the most difficult hello she’s ever experience she replied, “I don’t have a problem saying hello or getting to know someone.  When someone is comfortable it opens the doors to amazing conversations.  It is important to say hello purposefully."   Greeting others has helped her in management to learn about her associates.  It allows her to joke and have fun with them and customers as well.  It helps them let their guards down.  She states, “We have more in common with human beings than we give each other credit for.  Hellos allow for vulnerability."  When Delicia thinks of how the Lord greets her or reminds her of his presence she recalls observing a father and daughter shopping in the store she oversees.  The father was present physically but not really paying attention to his daughter.  The little girl was trying to get his attention but her dad was busy shopping. She said it was in that moment she realized God always has her attention.  She states, “God is constantly saying hello, trying to get my attention…we just need to acknowledge him.   With that, she will manage just fine.  (Originally posted January 3, 2015)

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