Back again! Never left really...Just a bit of slow motion. Been thinking lately about how our lives evolve. We are people constantly in motion even when idle. We shed cells and hair even when standing still. What does it mean to be made? We are people beautifully created, even with all our flaws, bad habits, and mess ups.
2017 has been a challenging, yet exciting year because I decided to return to school to finish my degree. I'm on the long stretch and will be working hardto cross the finish line soon. If anything the theme has been all things are possible because we are still here...still standing. As a wife, mother of five, and entrepreneur, there were many days this year when I thought to myself, "I'm not sure about this." Landing on my feet, I am grateful. I was reading my devotional yesterday morning in Isaiah 43. Verse 19 really stood out. It says, "Listen, I am about to do a new thing. Now it will spring up, will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert." (Amplified Version, Bible Gateway) I found myself catching my breath suddenly at the part at God mentioning doing a new thing. My exhale was one of excitement. I thought, really something new? Awe and anticipatory wonder suddenly filled my heart. Life can be quite mucky at times. When the cares and woes of this life stick, there's nothing like a good word to wash the murkiness away. We need to be aware of our shine because we have light to pass on. If just a hello with a smile, pass it on. Happy New Year everyone! Have a wonderful day!
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