Yes, yes, I'm back. Can't get rid of me that easily. Can I say that I SO miss the melody of tapping on computer keys! I know it's been a long while since my last post. What more is there to say? Life is full. I know we are into June. The Papas will get there acknowledgements, I promise. There just have been a few post that have been brewing for sometime and they have bubbled out.
As you know, I started working a regular job to support my habit of natural body product endeavors (tee-hee!). I was so blessed to be a stay-at-home mom with my kiddos since 2004. Upon returning to the workforce, outside of my business, I found that we women are a trip and I'm not talking about to the Bahamas either. I remember when I decided to start Salve'. There were the people who asked me if I was bored, with phrases like..."Taking up a hobby, eh?" It was almost like I was being pitied or something. Oh you poor dear, some would say. There were others who gave unsolicited advice on motherhood, those who absolutely loathed the word mom and it seemed to them as if I were an alien from another planet. Why would I want to mess up my life with kids...REALLY!?! Then there were the people who thought I stayed home and ate bonbons all day and couldn't identify with real work. Upon getting a job, there were still more people to put up with...The mom shamers. Questions like, What about the children or how are you going to handle that? The list goes on and on.
What I found most interesting is in my experience of both being at home and working outside the home, there was not much encouragement either way. People always had something to say. I wondered why there was so little encouragement and so much criticism. This past year has really taught me to empathize with others; especial with women. Society has put us at war with one another. It's like we're slamming into each other to prove something to the world...What that consists of, I'm not sure. What I can say for both positions, inside or outside of the home, is that I have been utterly rip, worn tired. In these moments I've thought to myself will the work ever be done, what am I doing, is it worth it, and maybe they were right (darn naysayers!). I remember all the negativity and sometimes panic sets in, but as I lay there in exhaustion the words of those who had encouraged me along the way rose to the surface like water from the ground in the morning. It's not over. God has made women resilient. From our bodies stretching lengths during pregnancy and birth, to daily problem solving and multi-tasking. Out of us flows life and without us life would be dull. Have a wonderful day!
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