Wednesday, April 8, 2015

It all comes together...again

I posted this without the second paragragh! I guess it would be nice to know how things came together... I'll just stack it up to mommy brain and Have a wonderful day! (edited 4/13/15)

Amid the hustle of life it is easy to get sidetracked from what really matters.  We're so busy run, run, running that we forget about the things that count until we slam SMACK into the wall of reality.  Kids are great at making us wake up to what counts.  Yesterday in the rush of getting my boys to soccer practice I thought to myself,  "here we go again."  The youngest were  melting down were melting the same time.  My oldest son was mad about something minor and didn't want to get in the van.  My youngest son was busy practicing his moves in the garage.  My oldest daughter was the only one who did what I asked.  Finally, after everyone was buckled into the van my two year old says, "Mommy, I need shoes!"  Ugh!  I run in, grab her shoes and we're off!  Burn baby burn!  Meanwhile inside the van I proceed to lecture the group about how we need to be more organized and be a team as I am zipping in and out of traffic   Blah, blah, blah is all they hear.  I can tell because they have that comatosed look on their faces; all except my youngest.  Her head is dangling at  an odd angle because she is sleeping.  We get to practice.  The boys pile out and I let out and exhale; made it!

 Later that day my oldest daughter made a friend with a girl who seemed rather shy.  She was picking flower blossoms and all my girls ran to meet her.  She offered them flowers.  They all seemed elated to play.  As the sun started setting, these new friends were running around the park searching for new adventures.  They were in and out of the huge pine trees and running up and down the grassy hills.  My boys were learning to work as a team. Their coach had made them pair up for drills.  At first their movements seemed akward.  More fast than slow their foot work became more fluid.  Their confidence in each other and their own ability emerged along with their smiling faces.  On the way home the van was silent.  Two of my kiddos were sleeping; two more were gazing out the window at the night lights going by, and the fifth was chattering all about the adventures she would have at the next practice.  With the click of the garage door opener we're home.  Each one slowly gets out of the car sleepy and hungry.  My husband carries two sleepy heads in.  I push the button on the wall to close the garage.  Every time this happens at the end of the day it always feels like a period on a sentence.  Made it.

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