Friday, May 22, 2015

Hello #11...Substance

She is very beautiful to say the least.  Any outsider would probably think this woman has it all together.  She always smiles and is such a pleasure to be around.  Sometimes it’s easy to tuck our desires away and occupy ourselves with the other wonderful gifts we’ve been given.  A great husband, job, house, and travel are some to name a few, but Jinny had always wanted to be a mother.  She continually prayed in her heart for a child.  Life’s highs shifted to lows when she and her husband decided to try and get pregnant.  It was found that a cancerous cyst prevented her from conceiving.  Surgery was required to remove the cyst.  The doctor warned her that even after surgery she might not conceive.  Not moved by the news, Jinny kept believing in God’s promise.

It is something when there is a bubbling up of faith to believe for what is unseen.  The first month after the doctor released her to conceive she found that jaw dropping word… POSITIVE!   She was pregnant!  She said it was a beautiful blessing.  At 20 weeks the doctor said there could be something wrong with the baby.  They wanted to do a test of the amniotic fluid.  She decided against genetic testing.  Concerning the baby, her husband said no matter what the outcome he was thankful for the blessing from God in their child.  She felt the same.  They wanted him just the way he is.  When the doctor notified her to say the baby was fine, Jinny was neither happy nor sad at the news she received.  She was joyous at the little gift she carried and was prepared for whatever the outcome was.  Regardless of the outcome she was thankful to God for sending him the way he is.   

Nine months of carrying her bundle of joy came to an end.   After 26 hours of labor and an emergency C-section because the baby had turned and the umbilical cord was wrapped around him Jehiel Marco Johnson was born.  Saying hello to her baby was a surreal moment.  She said of his birth, “When I heard his cry all the pain went away!  It was the most beautiful moment of my life.”  She recalled putting a picture of his ultrasound in the crib next to her bed five months prior to his birth. “Loving your child is an amazing love.”  Of her son Jinny says, "Jehiel is a very loving baby.  He is always smiling"  She noticed it was important to him to see others smile.  "He makes everyone happy!” 

When asked what hello means to her, she says, “Hello is the beginning.  It’s the first thing you say to someone.  It’s the beginning  of something beautiful, something  fresh.  In Spanish we say, hola!" Jinny lives in Puerto Rico.  Have a wonderful day!

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