Hello there. I know it has been a long while since I've posted. In all honesty I've been wondering how to go about confronting the silence. So, I decided just to be honest. I have been busy. That probably sounds bad, but, it is true. Salve is a small business, but the bills still need to get paid. I took a job at a school in administration. As you know, we have quite the family (in more marvelous ways than one), but I am referring to the size of our brood. We are a family of seven. Salve is in transition, a shift of hellos, so to speak. Though this is not a farewell post, I have been thinking a lot about the wonderful people who buy our products, the beautiful people who I have blogged about, and the many unique experiences of this awesome journey. All of it has restored a confidence in me that had been lost for some time. With the coming new year, changes are bound to appear. I have many ideas for the future but would love to be able at some time to use the 100% of sales to help others in some way. You might ask, why is she saying all of this and she's not even making enough in sales? That is a valid point, but somehow I like to leave a door open to see what God wants and can do. He is the one who gave me the idea to start this thing in the first place. Prayerfully, until that happens, we will continue serving the customers we do have with joy and satisfaction. Everyday the sun rises it is a special greeting So is the same with Salve. We'll see where the wave takes us. Have a wonderful day!